TyWebb88 (New Member)

Member Since 06/02/2015

From California

  • TyWebb88 9 years ago on Caitlyn Jenner Makes Her Debut On The Cover Of Vanity Fair And Is Gorgeous (Video)

    The Arthur Ashe Award is giving for Courage Through Adversity, something that Bruce, now Caitlyn Jenner, is most definitely showing. You talk about how she’s famous for being on a TV show, when in reality she’s being presented an award for her excellence in sports, being the winner of the decathlon in the ’76 Games. Throughout the life she has lived, she has had this kept a secret, and now that her life is under a microscope due to the TV show, she had to finally come out and be her true self. Caitlyn now gets to live a life that she has always wanted to live, free from oppression, and though she’ll generate tons of hate from people like yourself that get fathom transgender individuals in our society, a society that is moving forward, she still has the courage and strength to move on fully as a woman. If that isn’t courage through adversity, I’m not too sure what is.

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