UAlleycat (Little)

Member Since 05/13/2015

From Arizona

  • UAlleycat 9 years ago on I Had An Uncomfortable Sexual Experience But I Am Not A Rape Victim

    This isn’t being down voted because men can’t be assaulted, of course they can be. It is being down voted because it is obvious it didn’t happen, and this is an annoying attempt to troll on this article. Most men just usually don’t report assault or rape due to the stigma produced by other men. Imagine the amount of shit this guy would have gotten from his friends if this situation actually happened. From a young age, many men are taught that being a victim is feminine act, and therefore if they are ever a victim- they are not masculine. It’s unfortunate, but is not the fault of women or feminism. It is actually the fault of the social norms of masculinity.

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  • UAlleycat 9 years ago on I Had An Uncomfortable Sexual Experience But I Am Not A Rape Victim

    I agree that we shouldn’t be victimizing anyone who feels that they are not a victim, but what no one seems to be touching on is how some people (both men and women) feel entitled to have sex with someone and insist on doing so even if given a solid “no” from the start. In this action, this person is putting their wants over your rights. They are in essence saying “I don’t really care what you want, this is what I want- so I’m going to keep insisting that you give it to me until you do.” Again, both men and women can do this- and it may not be considered rape to some, but just because it is not considered rape does not excuse it.

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  • UAlleycat 9 years ago on I Had An Uncomfortable Sexual Experience But I Am Not A Rape Victim

    I understand the two opinions being argued here, but honestly they are not the issue that needs to be addressed. What should be addressed is how so many of us have had an “uncomfortable sexual experience.” Why is this a seemingly normal event in the life of a college woman? Why do we feel the need to give in after clearly stating “no” multiple times? Why are we having to argue if a situation is considered rape or not? We have a right to not be forced into this type of situation, and it needs to be addressed in some way, though I’m not sure if I (or anyone else) has a solution. The bottom line is, it is not okay for us to feel that this is a normal situation and something we just need to ‘deal with’ because ‘it happens.’

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  • UAlleycat 9 years ago on Arizona Theta Just Dropped The Best Recruitment Video Of All Time

    I agree, but you also need to consider the differences in recruitment at the university of Arizona. All recruitment videos there are similar, making recruitment videos that seem like music videos is just a way to remain competitve during recruitment. Realistically, a majority of PNMs will enjoy watching this (a depiction of how the house has fun together) over a video explaining why Theta has the second highest GPA on campus, or how Theta raised over 5k for CASA last year, or how Theta’s members have the highest average of service hours per member in the Greek community. What you’re pointing out is true, keep in mind that things are different at U of A, and even though this may not be your favorite depiction of Greek life or what you would want your house’s recruitment video to look like, being critical of it only perpetuates negativity within and outside of Greek life. Panhellenic love!

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