USNA_Pledge (Big)

Member Since 04/06/2015

From Maryland

  • USNA_Pledge 9 years ago on Mailbag: I Don't Want To Have Sex With My Formal Date

    Why not just say, “I want to go with you but if you want to have sex I think you should invite someone else.” Or be the true srat star you are and introduce him to a friend of yours who might be into him… Or better yet tell him that you want to go as just friends.

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  • USNA_Pledge 9 years ago on Sig Ep Pledge May Have Died Over McDonald's Breakfast And The Fraternity Appears To Be Lying About It

    Coming in from the old salty school on the Severn River I just want to say that there is absolutely no excusing the behavior that occurred as a result of that poor kids accident. Here we are taught to look after our own and most importantly be honest and maintain your integrity. To cover up a brothers death with that much meditation is completely unfathomable. You don’t tell/force someone off of a bridge as a form of initiation unless you are willing to accept the responsibility if anything were to go wrong, that goes for anything if you are in a leadership position. That guy let his friend, brothers, and the entire Greek system down. Aside from the partying and the craziness the underlying message of fraternity/sorority is camaraderie, from taking a bullet for someone to winding up in the slammer with your fellow bro or hoe. Own up to your mistakes. Stay accountable. Take your licks. But most importantly come home with honor.

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