Vabetch (New Member)

Member Since 08/28/2014

From Virginia

  • Vabetch 10 years ago on Think You're Ready To Get Married Soon? Well, You're An Idiot

    If you have to “give up your dreams” and coincidentally that freedom to do what you want, you’re not with the right person. The right person for you will ADVANCE your dreams and desires. If being together is your true fate, fate will also provide the opportunities for both.

    The problem is people just don’t wait freakin long enough before considering marriage. Only when you’re no longer In love (and that’s 2 years average) do you realize all these things.

    And the most important. Part of a successful relationship is that each member MAINTAINS their independence. “They have their own life”, you have your girls only weekend every so often, you have your own careers. You have your own friends.

    Yes you are now WE, but when you sacrifice your self, you’re actually sacrificing te relationship.

    Your SO will make you better. If you stop going after what you want, you aren’t you anymore. You aren’t becoming a better person, the best version of yourself. So they’re not the one

    So instead of telling people what not to do, give helpful advice. How toget there and know they’re the one. NO ONE likes to be told they shouldn’t or can’t do something.

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