Wahoowa08 (Little)

Member Since 09/24/2014

From Virginia

  • Wahoowa08 10 years ago on Missing UVA Student Serves As Scary Reminder That This Could Happen To Anyone, Even You

    Not only is it incorrect, but it is incredibly disrespectful to compare the actions of Hannah Graham, or any intoxicated person that is taken advantage of in their vulnerable state, to those of a drunk driver. The reason drunk drivers are “held accountable” for their decisions is because those very decisions put other lives in danger. Furthermore, it downplays the vulnerability of other victims that have been abducted, assaulted, etc. while completely lucid, by implying that these perpetrators can be stopped by simply not being drunk. The fact of the matter is, the individuals that commit these crimes are sick, and they will find people to prey on no matter what. Being drunk may make you more vulnerable, but please stop perpetuating the idea that these crimes will stop if alcohol is removed from the situation.

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