WhenInDoubtKiteIt 12 years ago on An Open Letter to Selena Gomez Hahahaha #3… I’m studying in France right now and they literally do not eat here. I’ve lost 10 pounds unintentionally (not complaining) -12 Log in to reply or vote on comments
WhenInDoubtKiteIt 12 years ago on Fail Friday: Orphans Goodness gracious, honey, an IQ test should be required to vote nowadays. 0 Log in to reply or vote on comments
WhenInDoubtKiteIt 12 years ago on Uwo Louis Vuitton burns all their unsold bags so they’re never sold at discount prices. Nice try, honey. -9 Log in to reply or vote on comments
WhenInDoubtKiteIt 12 years ago on University of Alabama ooooh you got me there. gotta go catch up on my social media tactics. teach me? -8 Log in to reply or vote on comments
WhenInDoubtKiteIt 12 years ago on University of Alabama ^^^ I would be VERY surprised if you’ve honestly never thrown a sorority sign… -9 Log in to reply or vote on comments
Hahahaha #3… I’m studying in France right now and they literally do not eat here. I’ve lost 10 pounds unintentionally (not complaining)
Goodness gracious, honey, an IQ test should be required to vote nowadays.
Louis Vuitton burns all their unsold bags so they’re never sold at discount prices. Nice try, honey.
this is SO cute!
ooooh you got me there. gotta go catch up on my social media tactics. teach me?
^^^ I would be VERY surprised if you’ve honestly never thrown a sorority sign…