xi one and only (Big)

Member Since 04/14/2011

From Illinois

  • xi one and only 13 years ago on University of Central Florida

    My parents didn’t let me wear makeup until high school, but a pageant is just like any other competition we enter our children in such as sports or talent. I firmly believe you need a LICENSE to talk. Be a lady.

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  • xi one and only 13 years ago on University of Central Florida

    It’s not our place to tell people how to raise their children, no matter how much we disagree with it, because it challenges the freedoms we are afforded in the Constitution. Since dolling up your child isn’t abuse, I really don’t see your point other than pretending you’re not doing your usual trolling. Just because you don’t like it doesn’t mean it’s wrong. Though I am not a fan of pageants, I’m really not about to tell someone how to live it, because I’m an American and I know better. Also, you would know nothing of this aforementioned “ladyhood” because you are a troll, and trolls live under bridges with poors.

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  • xi one and only 13 years ago on University of Central Florida

    I’m sorry I didn’t know America was a place where we told people how to live it. Get off her back. It’s also not ladylike to call someone white trash, bless your heart for trying.

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  • xi one and only 13 years ago on Eastern Illinois University

    When I went into ROTC they told me I had to gain weight before we start PT. I’m 5’2″ and very petite, so I was worried about it. If I hadn’t listened to them, It would have been unsafe for me to practice in the planes with them. Let’s be real, if you looked at Hope Solo, you wouldn’t say “ewww fattie.” She’s a professional athlete! If you looked at my body, you wouldn’t even consider me chubby, especially in uniform. Sure, I weigh more than 100 pounds, but everybody’s body serves a different purpose, which therefore affects their shape and size. I really don’t understand why we always obsess over weight. Seriously, not setting off an airbag sensor like in a previous TSM? That’s dangerous! Get that adjusted! It’s NS for me to not be big enough for the ejector seat in a jet. That’s how I see it. Snaps for Hope!

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  • xi one and only 13 years ago on University of Nebraska-Lincoln

    Well your body should be around 100 pounds to support a healthy pregnancy, so… seriously guys these eating disorder jokes are NOT funny. I understand that many people are naturally petite, but let’s be real. Eat healthy, exercise, and take care of yourself, or you will look like a nasty skeleton, and NO ONE is going to marry you.

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  • xi one and only 13 years ago on University of Louisiana at Lafayette

    The accomplishment is the trust and love earned from your sisters after proving you are worthy when a sister is in need f anything, and being an unconditional friend. This is something I fear that many chapters have forgotten.

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  • xi one and only 13 years ago on University of Louisiana at Lafayette

    A little hazing has hurt a lot of people, actually. We were showered with gifts and not hazed at all, and my pledge class is the most united I’ve seen on campus. Because we love each other and will not subject each other to the pain and humiliation of hazing, we have the highest retention rate on campus. We strive not to establish a hierarchy between classes because we are sisters, not animals. I would never hurt a sister and a sister would never hurt me. We take care of and listen to our little sisters, because that is what being in a sorority is about, not establishing dominance over younger girls to feel better about ourselves.

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  • xi one and only 13 years ago on CofC

    Oh… and whether you like it or not, tell your daddy thank you for paying for my medical school coming up. I told the Captain that it’s not necessary for them to pay for anything but they insist! God Bless America!

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  • xi one and only 13 years ago on CofC

    Well bless your heart! We, yes WE, because I am currently an Air Force ROTC cadet, have the highest scores on the ASVAB. I would never say any military branch is a waste of tax payer dollars, because guess who, upon commissioning, will be in a plane finding your brothers in the middle of the desert? My big brother is a Marine, and is extremely proud and supportive of my Air Force accomplishments, and appreciates the work we do WITH them in bombing raids, search and rescues, and emergency medical services. Before you criticize a branch, and you obviously are not military because no respectable service member would do such a thing, why don’t you strap on a pair of combat boots, shave your head, go through field training, and send your handsome little self over to the Middle East and fend off the terrorists? Or would you rather enjoy the lifestyle each and every soldier overseas is fighting for you to have? Discrediting the Armed Forces of these United States… NF.

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