XOXOGammaPhiGirl (Big)

Member Since 07/01/2014

From Florida

  • XOXOGammaPhiGirl 10 years ago on The Importance Of Remembering That Disaffiliated Sisters Are Still Sisters, Too

    THANK YOU for this. There are so many legitimate reasons that some women need to resign their membership… My twin’s family could not afford our dues and still keep her in school, so she had to drop. I myself resigned because my struggle with mental illness became so overwhelming that my parents had to intervene, especially seeing the added stress that came with taking on Officer positions. Many of us desperately want to remain a member, but ultimately can’t because honestly life just gets in the way. It’s sad to see not only just a sister’s chapter, but Greek life as a whole on her campus essentially shun her because she had to become a “GDI”. No matter what I will always consider myself a sister, even if I am not officially a “member”. I was initiated and I will never forget the beautiful and lasting sisterhood that I forever became a part of.

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  • XOXOGammaPhiGirl 10 years ago on The 5 PNMs You Should Take A Chance On

    Amen! I rushed as a Junior this past year, and now I am our chapter PRESIDENT. I don’t regret coming into Greek life later than most girls one bit, because I know after these 2 years I will have totally left a legacy for myself in the chapter. The experience can still be amazing if you choose to make it amazing 🙂

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