XoxoRose (New Member)

Member Since 08/26/2016

From Florida

  • XoxoRose 8 years ago on University Of Chicago To Freshmen: Eff Your Safe Spaces And Trigger Warnings

    This isn’t the first time UChicago has done something to show they don’t give a fuck about their students unless their straight, white, and usually male. As someone who knows multiple people at this school that would fall into a minority group, the university is truly a fucking nightmare. The school’s president is disliked by many of the students and shows time after time (if you do a bit of research on the topics) that he, and the school in general, do not give two shits about their diverse students. I don’t understand why people freak out over the word “trigger warnings” yet in most classes professors will say “just a heads up” and no one bats an eye. Essentially, they are the same thing just titled differently. Yes people may have to hear about these things in their life but isn’t it just human decency to let someone know if there will be a sensitive topic? How is it fair for a rape victim or someone suffering from PTSD to have to sit and listen to people talk about something they have gone through or are currently going through and almost have to relive it? By giving a warning, a person can “prepare” for this to happen or talk to the professor about what they can do together to help the student through the class as well as feeling safe and comfortable. As for safe spaces, there are students that have to pretty much fight for their right to be deemed “human” if they are not straight and white. These spaces allows them to step back and take a breath from being attacked, bullied, and discriminated against all the time which is a reality for them. Instead of saying “don’t be so sensitive” why not “hey, maybe I shouldn’t be a dick”

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