Yahoo Answers (G-Big)

Member Since 08/18/2013

From Florida

  • ClassyBeautifulAOII 8 years ago on Being Awkward Isn't Cool -- It's Embarrassing

    I love a good satire but this is just nasty and not funny at all. Putting down women who may be more quirky is not representative of the sisterhood we sorority women love to promote and value. It’s one thing to encourage women to be the best that they can be, but it’s entirely unacceptable to disparage and bully people who are different than you. This article is a massive turd that no amount of polishing can save.

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  • Libbyjayy 8 years ago on Being Awkward Isn't Cool -- It's Embarrassing

    I like most of your articles, and I get that girls should strive to be fierce and confident, but I think your argument hit a snag. The most important part of being the best version of yourself is improving you, not putting down other people in hopes that you’ll be raised above them. Taylor Swift probably wouldn’t be on top (yes, Taylor is on top too) if she pretended she were Beyoncé and tried to get her extremely long and lanky body move like Beyoncé’s can. All the things you said you did to become the best version of yourself, can be done while still being a quirky or (dare I say it) adorkable person. Being weird doesn’t mean you are a push over, it just means you can laugh at yourself. I’m weird, but you best believe I won’t back down when someone offends me. I’ll give them hell, and they’ll respect me for it, despite seeing me awkward dance earlier in the night.

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  • TheQueen30 8 years ago on Being Awkward Isn't Cool -- It's Embarrassing

    Here’s the thing, we really don’t care about your opinion. It’s more we’re trying to get across to the editors that articles like this are just awful. We understand its satire and we’re not just getting offended for the sake of being offended. This is genuinely awful and promotes horrible values. I feel like most of us on this site enjoy reading the articles that are expressing truly satirical ideas or are trying to get across the “you do you” concept. This is just incredibly harsh and sounds like what a standards chair with a stick up her ass or uptight alum who hasn’t been laid since she got her diploma would say.

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  • Ruckus23 8 years ago on New Mandate For Dealing With Campus Sexual Assault May Actually Be Harmful To Victims

    I’m an RA and I often simply overlook this rule even though I’m a mandatory reporter for the simple fact of the matter that it isn’t my place to destroy the confidence of a victim like that trusted me after something horrible happened to them. That said, this rule needs to be in place so that colleges can have the long dick of the law smacked against them if they cover up or hide sexual assaults, which very much HAS happened in the past. At a school like mine where we work towards a safer campus this rule sucks and hurts us, but nationally we’d be so much worse off if it wasn’t there. Again, I hate hate hate this rule as it applies to my specific campus, but how else can we fight scumbags who care more about the reputation of the school and those enrollment numbers over the welfare of their students?

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  • yourbasicfloridian 8 years ago on Being Awkward Isn't Cool -- It's Embarrassing

    “who you are sucks.” are you fucking kidding me? you can’t even cry satire on this. this article was blatantly demeaning and just disgusting. you can claim all you want that it wasn’t meant to be taken seriously but you can’t make comments like that and not expect readers to take it to heart.

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  • drb689 8 years ago on Being Awkward Isn't Cool -- It's Embarrassing

    The humble brag approach a lot of women do on here is where tsm is fucking up and I’m surprised no ones realized this yet. Articles about how much money your parents have, what your boyfriend should buy you, or shaming women for being who they are because you think you’re better will never come across well on a mostly female college aged website. This article had no purpose other than to demean women who don’t buy into the whole “fake blonde, hot bitch” facade. Trying to cover it up by saying its satire is not working because this didn’t come across as satirical, it was harsh and rude. Tsm, I love you but you need to work on weeding out shit like this.

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  • sibellla 8 years ago on Being Awkward Isn't Cool -- It's Embarrassing

    this is so many kinds of yikes. this article is the reason that people hate sorority girls and hate this site. who is anyone to decide what someone’s best self is? i’m so disgusted right now. i hope whoever wrote this is able to one day find their confidence without tearing down other peoples, because it’s pathetic.

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