Zhek (New Member)

Member Since 07/04/2014

From British Columbia

  • Zhek 10 years ago on Asking Actors And Actresses To Run, Hit, And Throw "Like A Girl" Will Move You

    As a male, i am not sure if i am allowed to have an opinion about this, but i do not think i have ever heard “like a girl” used in reference to an actual girl…. ever. It is always a man, demeaning another man’s masculinity based on some sort of physical competition. That being said, i suppose it does sound mean to imply that girls cant throw simply on virtue of being girls, but i think this stems more from men having the ability to shrug of stuff like this more easily since that is who i have heard these comments directed at.

    Please take this with a grain of salt, it is simply my point of view from my life’s experience, as a man.

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