
Watch Jeffree Star And Manny Gutierrez Cut Into A $5,500 Chanel Purse For Fun

Jeffree Manny

Even think that you would be relaxed watching a makeup mogul cut through expensive, designer items on his Youtube channel? Me neither…

If you’re not prepared to watch the full 20 minute video, here’s a recap of everything that Star, and his friend Manny, destroyed:

Jeffree Star Skin Frost – $29
MAC Lipstick – $17
SiliSponge – $9.90
• MANNY MUA X OFRA Liquid Lipstick – $19.90
Jeffree Star Velour Liquid Lipstick – $18
L’ORÈAL Infallible Total Cover Foundation – $12.99
Artis Oval 10 Brush – $77
Beauty Blender – $20
MAC Strobe Cream – $33
• Chanel Boy Bag – $5,500 (Jeffree valued)

If you don’t have your iPhone calculator handy, thats $5,736.79… you know, pocket change.

Jeffree and Manny heated up various knifes to 1000º and only looked slightly sociopathic while cutting through the various items. Suited up in a full glam look, designer clothes and corny lab glasses, the two of them sort of resembled the mean, bitchy girls who were in your high school chemistry class.

I have to admit, in a strange way, it was interesting, and almost calming to watch them cut through the makeup. While it was slightly heart breaking to see some of my favorite products get destroyed, it was fascinating to see what they looked like cut in half (I swear I’m not crazy).

But watching him cut through that gorgeous Chanel bag? I cried. Just like the moments leading up to the dumb b*tch getting killed off in a horror movie, during the build up to Jeffree taking a knife to the gorgeous bag, I used one hand to squeeze my boyfriends, and the other to slightly shield my eyes from the tragedy that was about to occur.

It is truly heartbreaking to watch. I know that I may sound melodramatic right now, but I would rather watch the $5,000 burn than see such a beautiful bag die.

Jeffree: if you ever feel like destroying another bag or makeup products, as fun as it must be (for you) to cut them with a knife, I just want to let you know that I am open to you donating them to me. My email is in my profile.

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Hiding from my mother and standards, both of whom would disown me if they heard most of these stories. Aspiring law school student, with a chihuahua named Bruiser and a head of unnatural blonde hair. Email me your "crazy" stories or any mixed drink recipes that taste like juice, but have copious amounts of vodka in them at Watch the bitch behind these stories at:

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