
What It Actually Means If He’s A Boob Guy Or A Butt Guy


It’s been the great debate for guys for as long as we’ve been trying to impress them. And no matter what, they’re divided. Sure, there’s the ol’ “blonde or brunette” fight, and yes, let’s not forget the “tall and thin vs. short and curvy” debate. But the biggest one out there is, of course, the ass or the boobs.

Most guys stand strongly on one side or another. Some claim that a girl with a butt is the ultimate woman. Others say that the tits are the eyes to the soul, or whatever. Some go for Scarlett Johansson whereas others go for JLo. And no matter which side they choose, we feel personally offended.

So let’s cut the shit and figure it out. What does it mean? Is he a bad person if he likes big boobs? Is he a perv if he loves butts? According to Gene Expression, a science blog written by smart people, the side he stands on this argument says a lot about who he is. Let me break it down because, science.

Big Boobs

If he likes big boobs, chances are he’s a guy’s guy. He never has problems finding a date or getting a girlfriend. He likes classic boy things: Sports, fantasy football, and whatever else boys like. He’s basically always the center of attention (*cough attention whore *cough). If you take him to a party, you’ll be able to walk away because he can hold his own and have good conversations. He’s really independent which can be both really refreshing and really annoying.
Pro: He’s outgoing, probably has a lot of friends, and is confident AF.
Con: Science says these guys are more likely to be smokers, and don’t have the best career-habits. Oh, and he sort of sounds like a dick.

Small Boobs

Guys who enjoy smaller breasts tend to be religious or spiritual. As opposed to guys who like big boobs, guys who like small boobs tend to work really hard in their relationships. Like really, really hard. They’re usually nurturing and dedicated to the partnership and being a good boyfriend. They aren’t assholes to authority figures and most likely wont get into drunken fights that will completely embarrass you. They usually come from large, nonworking-class families and gravitate towards sciencey majors, as opposed to business.
Pro: He’s total boyfriend material and will most likely be the kind of guy to get you flowers, “just because.”
Con: These guys tend to be mildly depressed (sucks). They don’t really know what career will make them happy and they sometime feel unmotivated. Sighhhh.

Big Butt

Big booty lovers have a passion need for order. They want a life that’s neat, organized, and well planned. They usually gravitate towards business or accounting, and if that doesn’t bore you to death, the fact that they’re totally type A, might. They might be sort of judgemental. And by sort of, I mean very judgemental. In social situations, they can become totally clingy and dependent on you.
Pro: They’ll show you their emotions and will most likely be cool with doing some (read: all) of the household cleaning and chores.
Con: They’re pretty self-blaming and they might just be a crier. Watch out.

Small Butt

Unlike big butt lovers, these guys have control of their emotions. Like, you-might-never-see-them-cry-in-their-entire-lives control. They like getting their work done and excelling in their careers. They don’t need to be the center of attention and are fine with being quite and independent. They gravitate more towards education career fieds and don’t necessarily like “guy things.”
Pro: He’s a hard worker and he wont make you watch football every Sunday.
Con: He might actually be a robot.

So whichever one your guy is, just remember: it’s the not size of your body parts that matter, it’s the size of his heart wallet.

[via Gene Expression, Elite Daily]

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Rachel Varina

(yeahokaywhat) Aspiring to be the next Tina Fey, Rachel spends her free time doing nothing to reach that goal. While judging people based on how they use "they're" vs. "there" on social media, she likes eating buffalo chicken dip, watching other people's Netflix, and wearing sweatpants way more than is socially acceptable.

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