
Wine Condoms, For Your Sluttiest Wine

Wine Condoms, For Your Sluttiest Wine

A real condom prevents you from getting pregnant, while a wine condom prevents any wine from spilling out of an open wine bottle. Different issues? Yes. Both equally important? Also yes. Should you start packing both in your wallet before a night out? Definitely.

We don't know how to say this but… This wine condom is everything. #wickedwinerun #winecondom #vinoprotection

A photo posted by Wicked Wine Run (@wickedwinerun) on

The Wine Condom comes in gold packaging, that, when you are ready to use it, you rip open and gently roll down the stem of your open wine bottle. Once its on, it ensures that nothing can spill or leak out. Sound familiar? The wine condom looks identical to the real thing. While you may not confuse it with a Magnum XL, if you’re toting around protection for the smaller members of society, the packing clearly has “Wine” written on it… just in case (which is one word you know you’ll be able to read… no matter how drunk you are).

The creator, Mitchell Strahan, came up with the innovative idea after his mother came home from a friend’s house with aluminum foil wrapped around the end of a wine glass, trying to save what was left of it, which is something that we’ve all tried to do (I mean, I haven’t, since my personal rule is that once you open a bottle of wine, you have to finish it). However, how Strahan got the idea of a wine condom from this situation with his tipsy-mother is beyond me.

Just like how you try to discretely but your real condoms, you can order these off of Amazon for $14. Unlike the real thing, these are reusable.

Go forth, and practice safe drinking!

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Hiding from my mother and standards, both of whom would disown me if they heard most of these stories. Aspiring law school student, with a chihuahua named Bruiser and a head of unnatural blonde hair. Email me your "crazy" stories or any mixed drink recipes that taste like juice, but have copious amounts of vodka in them at Watch the bitch behind these stories at:

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