notyourcupoftea (G-Big)

Member Since 07/21/2015

From Florida

  • notyourcupoftea 9 years ago on Students Outrage Parents And Administration With Really Normal Freshman Move-In Day Sign

    I don’t think the fraternity deserved to be suspended over this. You’re telling me college aged boys said something insensitive without thinking about it first? I am shocked. If you don’t like what they’re saying and think they’re bad guys, then don’t go to that house! Don’t hang out with them! Nowhere does it include any mention of rape or anything remotely misogynist. There are true feminist issues we should be fighting, and sorry but this isn’t one of them.

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  • notyourcupoftea 9 years ago on Mailbag: I Got Cut By The Top Tier So I Dropped Out Of Recruitment, Now What?

    So you’re shaming her because she didn’t choose to spend money on an organization she didn’t feel comfortable in? We tell these girls to go with what feels right to them, but then we put her on blast when she follows our advice? Take this down TSM seriously. She never once said what this sororities standing is, for all we know it could be top tier. Oh and didn’t you just write an article identical to this a week ago?

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  • notyourcupoftea 9 years ago on This Girl Left Her Sorority Because Of Her Boobs

    Some organizations have higher standards of personnel than others. When we pledge, and eventually initiate we understand that were representing not only ourselves, but our letters as well. If she couldn’t handle that, she should have never joined in the first place.

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  • notyourcupoftea 9 years ago on Is This Racist?

    Im on the fence with this one. I do think PNMs have the right to know if things like this occur and if they occur constantly. If an organization claims to be diverse, but their actions prove otherwise PNMs should know about it. It’s hard to place judgement since we do not know if she tried to address her sisters about their behavior, or if this came out of the blue. Intentional or not, it’s still ignorance. We Greeks are always getting bad publicity, and we need to be more aware of what we’re posting.

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  • notyourcupoftea 9 years ago on 13 Signs You're Probably Too Young To Get Married

    Actually no. If the only thing you care about is a large, extravagant expensive wedding complete with an expensive, flashy dress and ring then maybe YOU’RE the one who shouldn’t be getting married. Oh and PS some couples prefer smaller backyard weddings. My cousin chose a small ceremony, with brunch and a cookout at my aunts house. And trust me it’s not cause she couldn’t afford something else but that’s what her and her husband WANTED.

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  • notyourcupoftea 9 years ago on If You Still Hate The Kardashians, You're More Annoying Than They Are

    I will always respect Taylor Swift because at least she had to work for something and wasn’t just born into money. People have a problem with the Kardashians due to the fact that there are actually important matters in the world, and important respectable people that we should ACTUALLY be paying attention to. So what you’re saying is because she was linked to spoiled, drugged out, overall horrible person Paris Hilton and some money hungry Hollywood CEOs I should respect her? Yawn. Was there really nothing else to write about TSM?

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