abc12 (New Member)

Member Since 08/30/2014

From Washington

  • abc12 10 years ago on Why I Hate Being A "Sorority Girl"

    WOW…it is a sad, sad day to me that this is something that gets any thought or attention. How dare this be something that is on anyone’s radar. What about the lack of education available to the nation’s poor children? What about the institutional racism that is still going on which results the needless murder of young black men by the police, or prevents people of color from obtaining employment or housing because of the color of their skin or their ethnic-sounding name, or results in a wage gap between white people and people of color that is as bad today as it was 50 years ago (if you disagree with me…read the studies. It exists)? These are real issues. If you had the privilege to go to college, participate in a sorority, and make the connections you did I would certainly hope you would use that privilege to fix these problems, not the perceived “bias” you have to “endure” because you did participate in a sorority. Shame on you.

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