ALAMfam (Little)

Member Since 04/20/2016

From Minnesota

  • ALAMfam 8 years ago on What Fathers’ Day Is Like After Your Dad Dies

    I’m sorry for your loss. I lost my dad two years ago, but I still take the time to celebrate the other men in my life that I’m lucky enough to have. It makes it a little easier on me, and helps to show my uncles and cousins that have stepped up that I appreciate them. The hardest day for me is my dad’s birthday, though, and the way you wrote about Father’s Day is how I feel on his birthday.

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  • ALAMfam 8 years ago on Dear #ActualSororityMove (And Anyone Else Who Doesn't Understand TSM)

    I seriously made an account to comment on this, but you seem to have a lot of support in the comments section already. Honestly, my chapter’s current president shared this link and it made me shake my head. My last semester as an active, we were actually threatened to be sent up to standards if we shared/liked a TSM post or article because it’s not “classy.” I’ve never heard such a word misused/overused until I joined my sorority. I LOVE my sorority, maybe even more so now that I’m alum, but these crazy moments that TSM portrays are the moments most relatable to how I bonded with my own sisters.

    I also don’t like how this movement on building up “actual sorority women” has to tear down a site lead by strong sorority women. You keep doing you, Victoria & staff.

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