Alpha_Sig (Little)

Member Since 08/31/2011

From Missouri

  • Alpha_Sig 10 years ago on A New Breed Of Sorority Girl

    I get what you’re trying to say. But it just sounds like you’re trying to CREATE a new breed of sorority girl because you don’t fit the other breed. There shouldn’t be a “breed” at all. It’s almost like you’re trying to bully women into think they’re stupid if they like to wear heels and bows and, God forbid, might have their guy’s dinner on the table by 5 o’clock. That’s not the kind of sorority women they are. That’s just the kind of women they are in general. And you have no right to judge that. Maybe it would’ve been better to write about ALL the different types of women there are in sororities. Gentlemen, take your pick because there’s all kinds and they’re ALL amazing.

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