angiekt (PNM)

Member Since 10/17/2015

From California

  • angiekt 9 years ago on Eating Cheese Is As Addictive As Doing Hard Drugs, According To Science

    This article is ridiculous and offensive. Comparing cheese to serious addiction minimizes the pain and suffering that real addicts and their families go through. Addiction kills people. It destroys families. Addiction is not cool and it certainly isn’t funny. Comparing cheese to a drug addiction is like comparing an ignorant, annoying person (ah, lets use the author of this article as an example) to Hitler, which I wouldn’t do, cuz that would be crazy. And every single thing you said about drugs is false, such as heroin makes your teeth fall out, no, that’s meth. And clearly you don’t know crap about crack. If you don’t even know the basics of real addiction, how can you even make a comparison? You make addicts to look like low life scum, yet you want to be classified as an addict? You are an idiot who should think and research your subject before you write some meaningless look at me I’m a dramatic selfish bitch drivel. You contribute nothing to society. If you were funny, that would be one thing. But you are not even a teeny bit amusing. This shit is not cute at all. Hope you choke on your cheese, or at least get fat and clog up your arteries.

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