anon12345678 (Big)

Member Since 08/07/2015

From Kansas

  • anon12345678 9 years ago on People Have Resorted To Tattooing Overdrawn Lips On In The Name Of Kylie Jenner

    You write an article about having money then call yourself a peasant? Hmmm “it’s not my money it’s my parents money” hmmm “my parents can buy me all the nice things they want but at the end of the day it’s my money not theirs” hmmm you just seem like a stuck up rich white girl to me who knows nothing about what being privileged actually means.

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  • anon12345678 9 years ago on My Parents Pay For Everything And I'm Not Ashamed Of It

    Wait…what you do on this website is…a “job”? Not picking up trash or flipping burgers like so many normal college kid jobs are? Not working retail or dealing with customers who can be shitty and rude? Not working in your own college working in tutoring or other areas? Your job is to be a narcissistic, self centered, ignorant, writer. Any other professional would look at this and think you are the dumbest person on earth. I can keep going all day Christina, keep at it.

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  • anon12345678 9 years ago on My Parents Pay For Everything And I'm Not Ashamed Of It

    Yeah that’s nice and you will be sitting on your ass being a “do nothing bitch” until a guy comes along and pays for your life too. Must be nice being taken care of while so many of us have to work two to three jobs just to pay for rent and bills. You are literally a moron, and I know you’re going to say “oh the haters my life is so great” I’m sure it is but you’re still a moron and Ariana Huffington would laugh in your face (sorry you’re pretty useless so you probably don’t even know who she is either).

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  • anon12345678 9 years ago on My Parents Pay For Everything And I'm Not Ashamed Of It

    You know I’m just gonna go ahead and say whats pretty much on everyones mind: shut up. Shut up about your “job”, shut up about your “article”. I really hope in the future when you try and find a job in any kind of publishing network they look at this and think of it as an atrocity like so many other HARD WORKING PEOPLE who have actually done something with there lives view this and are disgusted. I’ve read every single comment, down to the T. Including yours and yes I have read and re-read every single line in your article and now matter how much you try to articulate your point you are plainly this: a spoiled, unworthy brat who will never know the true hardships of anything in your life because of your self centered,unconscientious,way of thinking. I hope any person of color reads this and makes you feel bad, because that is what you deserve. You don’t really understand the meaning of privilege, and this is coming from an ACTUAL PRIVILEGED PERSON WHOSE PARENTS MAKE SIX FIGURES EVERY YEAR(more than yours I bet, and my dad doesn’t even work 40 hours a week due to how wealthy he is. But unlike your dumbass, (and I know some of these words are going to be hard to understand so read really slowly and sound them out) you have done nothing but write a very pointless, very stupid article. Yeah yeah yeah you’re going to argue that you pointed that out in your article…but what the fuck was the point of that? You still know you have money, even though it’s not yours, just like lots of other white right women like yourself. You argue that your life wasn’t given to you on a silver platter when it clearly was and now you just made yourself look like a complete idiot. You’re also wondering WHY people get offended? You know I don’t get offended myself by just anything but this article was so significantly ignorant that I wish it was publicized and criticized by the masses in our country. Next time: keep your mouth shut Miss Christina.

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