Ansleydeltapi (G-Big)

Member Since 03/08/2016

From Alabama

  • Ansleydeltapi 8 years ago on Your Definition of "Classy" Is So Completely Wrong

    Technically being classy means that someone has good manners and knows how to behave appropriately in any situation. So people can definitely act in a way that is not classy, but a true classy woman will not act like she is better than anyone else, no matter how un-classy they may be.

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  • Ansleydeltapi 8 years ago on Is Recruitment Good Or Bad For Your Self-Esteem?

    This is how frats do it at my school. The top tier frats have 150+ members and the bottom tier frats have 10-30. 2 frats lost their houses last year since they didn’t have enough guys paying dues to cover all their expenses. So it doesn’t exactly work well for frats.

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  • Ansleydeltapi 8 years ago on Music Festival Dos And Don'ts

    If people want to wear their version of Native American headgear because they think it’s cool, then can. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Btw fancy headdresses have been a part of many cultures throughout history, Native Americans don’t exactly have a monopoly on them, and that’s the point. Just because something is a part of your cultural heritage doesn’t mean you have a monopoly on it. Culture is constantly evolving, and the way it advances is by people emulating the best parts of a variety of cultures for everyone’s benefit.

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  • Ansleydeltapi 8 years ago on Music Festival Dos And Don'ts

    Cultural appropriation is bullshit lmao. Promoting it literally just makes races more divided. People can apply elements of different cultures (even in silly ways) without being racist and there is literally no positive outcome of trying to force cultures to stay separated and telling people “no that’s MY culture, so you can’t touch it.” It’s all a part of the whiny toddler PC mentality smh

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  • Ansleydeltapi 8 years ago on Your Mom Shouldn’t Be Your Best Friend

    I think people can have a close relationship with their mom’s without it being a pure, unhealthy friendship. As long as you still view and respect your mom as an authority figure, and she’s not afraid to say or do something that you disagree with, or to use her authority when necessary, then there’s nothing wrong with you being close to her! I think this article is more talking about mothers who are so afraid of upsetting their kids that they try to be a friend INSTEAD of an authority figure.

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  • Ansleydeltapi 8 years ago on Your Mom Shouldn’t Be Your Best Friend

    I agree with this soooo much! My mom and I are very close and overall have a great relationship even though we disagree at times, but she is definitely in the parent role and not the friend role. I can go to her for advice, but she’s not just going to say what I want to hear. She’s the voice of reason, but she also taught me how to think for myself and be independent, and I have so much respect for her as a parent.

    I had a roommate my freshman year who talked to her mom for hours almost every day and couldn’t make a decision to save her life, and she’s the most annoying person I’ve ever met lol. And of course, she and her mommy are besties…

    There are so many people in the world for us to be friends with, but out parents are generally the only people who can fill that authority figure/parent role. As long as we understand that, we can have a close relationship with our parents – they don’t have to be our best friends for us to have a good relationship with them.

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  • Ansleydeltapi 8 years ago on My Dad Sucks

    El oh el. This sounds like a case of the kid being rebellious and thinking she can do whatever she wants because she’s a know-it-all, and her dad calling her out on it like a good parent because he wanted to stop her from going down the wrong path (which btw is every parent’s right and duty). But instead of thinking maybe, just maybe, she could be doing the wrong thing, she blames her dad for “oppressing” her and cuts him out of her life. What ever happened to fucking respect? People are supposed to respect their parents by default, whether they agree with their parents or not. Sounds like her dad isn’t perfect, but she’s definitely not perfect either.

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  • Ansleydeltapi 8 years ago on My Dad Sucks

    Honestly some of this was a bit harsh (and I agree with other commenters that baking cakes and cleaning isn’t a mandatory part of the wife’s duties), but I do think you have some good points. Women tend to express themselves and communicate differently than women, and no one is perfect (including OP and both her parents). Father’s tend to be the most overly criticized and under appreciated family members, and just because OP didn’t learn to get along with her dad doesn’t mean he’s the villain. He sounds like a normal, realistic human being, and probably deserves a little more respect than he’s getting from his daughter. Also ALL parents argue sometimes, that’s nothing unusual at all. It does sound like OP has been living in a bit of a fantasy world, and I hope she can repair her relationship with her father. I bet he is genuinely sad that his own daughter feels this way and would be heartbroken if he read this article 🙁

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  • Ansleydeltapi 8 years ago on I Changed When I Joined A Sorority

    Proof that college (and life) is about balance. If you are too serious all the time and only focus on school/work, you miss out on so many great experiences, but if you’re only in college to party and hang out with your sorority and half the frats on campus, you won’t be prepared to have a successful career. You have to know when to skip wine Wednesday to study for your test Thursday morning as well as when to take a break from school to go to that social with your fav frat, knowing that the night will 100% end up a total, but fantastic, shit show.

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  • Ansleydeltapi 8 years ago on Most Dramatic Woman In The World Is Suing Ellen

    Suing over a joke made on tv at her expense without her knowledge and consent- unreasonable.

    Suing over a joke presented on tv at her expense with her contact information, all without her knowledge and consent, causing her to be harassed by randos all day – perfectly reasonable.

    Since this story falls in the latter category, I don’t think the problem with with PC culture. She has a right to sue Ellen if people are harassing her and not taking her seriously as a result of the show.

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