awwdrey hepburn LBD (Big)

Member Since 09/30/2011

From Tennessee

  • awwdrey hepburn LBD 13 years ago on Vanderbilt

    THIS PICTURE: Spring break in May, PREVIOUS PICTURE: Summertime in early September. To address all the above comments: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Thanks for taking the time to google me. Of course, these pictures would be on the internet. They’re attached to both my fabo and twitter accounts. We’ve got a bunch of very “educated” fraternity men and sorority women..don’t we? To conclude, it deeply bothers me that no one thinks this is me, I mean really…..oh wait.

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  • awwdrey hepburn LBD 13 years ago on Vanderbilt

    Tattoo? Sorry my picture isn’t clear enough for you. That happens to be a stamp from the bars the night before.
    Belly button ring- I’m sorry I was once a teenager.
    As far as my “talking”goes- If I haven’t directed a word towards you, there is no need for you to speak. But in all seriousness, it’s all in good fun…so I thought.
    The picture is older than the one I posted previously (spring break vs. summertime). The actual point was to show my Little is, infact, white. Take a look at the caption, all you fratstars.
    To Success, I’m pretty sure I’m going to marry you.
    Grassy, you’re beginning to grow on a much larger way.

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  • awwdrey hepburn LBD 13 years ago on UTA

    Obviously, I already was. That should explain the delay in my response to this ridiculous thread.

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  • awwdrey hepburn LBD 13 years ago on UTA

    You guys are charming, really. Sorry to say that almost every fraternity man that I’ve spent time with is “frattier” than the three of you combined. But hey, it’s like you all say, frat on…..

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  • awwdrey hepburn LBD 13 years ago on UTA

    Your grammar may be a little off, but I understood what you were attempting to say. And no, I didn’t mean there are no “respectable” men on this site, but I do want to point out that some of you could use some..well, a lot of work.

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  • awwdrey hepburn LBD 13 years ago on UTA

    Here’s the thing, I’m sure we can both agree that there are many “respectable” men on this site..there’s your answer.

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