betterthanyou1500 (Little)

Member Since 09/17/2011

From Colorado

  • betterthanyou1500 12 years ago on How DO You Appropriately Turn Down a Guy at the Bar?

    If the girl in the picture is the girl who wrote the column, then she is very presumptuous indeed. On top of looking like a cross between a vampire and a dog with an awkward mouth, her hair is awful. I guarantee, whoever writes a bitchy column like this is that girl at the bar that thinks everybody wants to buy her a drink when in reality nobody does. She’s probably the ugly girl in her sorority, or at least she is noticeably less attractive than most of her sisters, which deep down she knows and is insecure about. She has, however, effectively suppressed her insecurities by telling herself over and over again (and having her sisters tell her over and over again) that she is beautiful and perfect, etc, etc, and by writing columns like this.

    I have found that the actually pretty girls are usually not stuck up like this. God damn it, why are semi-decent looking girls such bitches? You have nothing to be stuck up about. All you have is daddy’s money, greek letters that associate you with women who are far prettier than you, and a misplaced superiority complex. You did nothing to earn your family’s money, and lets face it, you never will earn your own money, your husband will do that for you, if you manage to get one as a bitchy and semi-decent looking woman. Have some fucking humility and be humble.

    In short, nobody wants to buy you a drink, honey. They want to buy your pretty sisters a drink, but not you. When girls like you pull this shit at our chapter house at parties, we kick them the fuck out.

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