biggiesmalls988 (Big)

Member Since 09/12/2014

From Georgia

  • biggiesmalls988 10 years ago on Is it Possible That There Is Something In Between Consensual Sex And Rape...And That It Happens To Almost Every Girl Out There?

    The scenario that is described in the above article is not rape it is the author caring more about not wanting to “seem like a tease” or disappointing the guy then she is her own self worth and what she wants. Theres nothing wrong with respecting yourself and saying no to sex if you do not want it and you should not care about it being “just easier to do it than to have the argument about not doing it”. Women should not feel as though it is their role to have sex with a guy just because they are hanging out its not women’s role to do anything they don’t want to do. The above scenario is definitely a issue that needs to be talked about but it should not be called rape at all because it invalidates situations of rape and victims who want to speak out against their rapist with using phrases like “why risk being wrongfully tagged as “the girl who cried rape”. Instead the issue should have been an article about how women should know that they should be able to confidently say no to sex because they should not feel an obligation to do things that they do not want to do.

    To the author: I know that you probably did not write this article with thoughts to offend women or rape victims but you are in a position to write articles for a website that gets a lot of attention and I wouldn’t feel right not letting you know how your words could possibly affect others.

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