BornProudRaisedProud1890 (Big)

Member Since 07/09/2014

From Illinois

  • BornProudRaisedProud1890 8 years ago on The First Woman Ever Is About To Be Featured On The $20 Bill

    It wasn’t though…

    At least not directly. It would obviously be disingenuous to say that slavery didn’t play any factor whatsoever, but the Civil War wasn’t about abolition to begin with, even if that’s the eventual historical effect it had.

    I don’t want to post a history lecture or another text wall, so I’ll just kinda leave it at that. Well, that and saying that a significant amount of what is taught in the American education system tends to be very factually inaccurate for simplicity and uniformity’s sake, but that is another rant for another day.

    Bring back the forums.

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  • BornProudRaisedProud1890 8 years ago on The First Woman Ever Is About To Be Featured On The $20 Bill

    Very true, but if they made a big to-do about that being the reason behind it, all it would accomplish would be to reinforce the inaccurate belief that the Confederacy was really all that Pro-Slavery. In fact, much of the population in the South even in those days thought slavery was a bad thing, including many slave owners themselves. Stonewall, for example, as far as we know only ever bought 3 slaves. 2 adults at their own request, and one reportedly orphaned girl, all of whom were apparently treated well and given fairly prominent positions. Robert E. Lee was also pretty openly against the idea of slavery as well, criticizing the practice politically, socially, and morally.

    Heck, the Civil War wasn’t even about slavery, really. That was more of an international political tactic to keep France out of it. What it really came down to was the Southern states believing that the U.S. Government was overstepping its bounds, and fighting for their independence and ability to self-govern.

    Excuse the novel, American History is a passion of mine. I’d have majored in it, but I’d like to have money some day.

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  • BornProudRaisedProud1890 8 years ago on NPC Withdraws Its Support Of The Safe Campus Act

    So what’s your proposed solution to girls just flat out fucking lying?

    I have a brother who is fighting a case right now because a sober girl hooked up with him while he was blacked out to get back at her boyfriend, regretted it the next day, and filed charges against him. You’re right, my friend is one of history’s greatest villains and his life should be effectively forfeit, due process be damned.

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