chavala (Big)

Member Since 10/02/2014

From Pennsylvania

  • chavala 10 years ago on Is it Possible That There Is Something In Between Consensual Sex And Rape...And That It Happens To Almost Every Girl Out There?

    The technical definition of rape is sex without consent. It is a crime because of the lack of consent. It doesn’t need to be violent. Your comment marginalizes what happened to this girl. Technically, it is rape. It was not consensual. Does he deserve jail time? No. Does he deserve to be suspended from school or put on probation? Yes. In some states, the fact that she’d been drinking would mean that she isn’t legally allowed to give consent, and it is labelled as rape under law.
    As someone who took a year to realize a sexual encounter was actually sexual assault and possibly rape under new laws, I can say that this is how I viewed my experience until I talked to the office that helps to support victims of rape and sexual assault. Do not label this as a learning experience of poor judgment. There is only a grey area because people are terrified of labeling people that they know as rapists and the backlash that comes with it. What you say denies the experience of most women who have been raped.

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