cm777 (New Member)

Member Since 11/14/2015

From Arizona

  • cm777 8 years ago on I Am A White, Non-Racist, Non-Violent Mizzou Student And I Actively Oppose #ConcernedStudent1950

    Yes, let’s talk about the “fighting words” doctrine- the Chaplinsky case clearly dictates that the utterance of any such speech must be shown to (in the eyes of an average citizen) undeniably incite retaliatory behavior and must be individually directed… thus, hate speech is in no way restricted under the Chaplinsky ruling unless it is singling out a specific target and is deemed to be enough of an antagonistic verbal action against the individual that a retaliatory response would be understandable. The hate speech in question on Missouri’s campus was not directed at a single individual and was dispersed enough that I can wholeheartedly guarantee you there would be no merit to restricting the speech in the court of law. Continue trying to argue with a very limited knowledge of the way the First Amendment works and the precedents set out by certain court cases, but I can assure you that you are way off the mark in all of your statements (currently taking a class entirely centered on the First Amendment at a top 20 school in the nation and would LOVE to hear your background of expertise on the matter).
    Better luck next time

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