DCrane (Little)

Member Since 03/10/2015

From Alabama

  • DCrane 9 years ago on This #NotThere Campaign Is Something Every Female In America Needs To Get Behind

    I’ve watched the video and “explored the data” quite thoroughly in fact. The truth is that some of the statistics presented to perpetuate this notion of vast gender inequality are taken completely out of contex. (Not to mention the No Ceiling’s website makes accessing their “data” extraordinarily difficult)

    1. .78 cents to the dollar* The No Ceiling’s project arrives at this statistic through the comparison of the gross median income earned by men versus the gross median income earned by women. This statistic in and of itself is useless. This is comparing all income earned by males to all income earned by females, negating every single other factor which could possibly influence one’s income, such as, the fact that men are more likely to perform high risk but highly paid jobs, men work more overtime, and a huge factor, that women CHOOSE to take time off, potentially harming their careers, to raise their children.

    2. Women earn more college degrees than men yet only 5% of Fortune 500 CEO’s are women. Women may earn more degrees, however, more often than men women end up with college degrees that are utterly useless, don’t expect to become a CEO when you’re majoring in Art History. If you look at the ratio between men and women who earn i.e. Business, Economics, and STEM degrees, the men dominate those fields and in turn it is rational to expect that more men will rise to the top of their fields of expertise.

    3. The United States of America is not a socialist country. The government should NOT and will not be forced to pay maternity leave, the private sector often offers very generous maternity leave packages, especially if the woman has been with the company for several years. I wouldn’t be expecting this to change anytime soon.

    Do some research on your own. Don’t blindly accept liberal election propaganda. Don’t just take my words for truth either, go out and learn the facts and come to your own conclusions.

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