emmy234 (PNM)

Member Since 12/07/2016

From New York

  • emmy234 8 years ago on 23 Things My Boyfriend Better Not Get Me For Christmas

    Just pointing out that there are women, such as my mother, who sit home on Christmas with their partners overseas. My mother won’t be seeing my father until February.
    You’re part of the reason why most people are afraid of this generation being the future of the world. You sound extremely ungrateful, and honestly, no one cares about what you don’t want. There are people living in the streets or in poor conditions who would kill to have most of the items on your disgraceful list. I don’t normally mean to sound harsh, but I’ll make an exception: grow a brain, grow a heart, go out and make a difference in the world instead of expecting the world to fit your needs.

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