emmybearxxx (Big)

Member Since 08/06/2014

From Massachusetts

  • emmybearxxx 10 years ago on 4 Things You Should Never Let Your Significant Other Get Away With

    If you suspect that you or a friend is in an abusive relationship, GET HELP NOW. Visit http://www.loveisrespect.org/ and take a quiz to see if you may be in an abusive relationship. A young girl in Massachusetts was in an abusive relationship and was murdered by her boyfriend. He was an attractive, smart, popular football player- no one saw it coming. Please get help if you or a friend may be in danger, and visit http://www.loveisrespect.org/ to take a self assessment.


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  • emmybearxxx 10 years ago on A Letter From The Girl Your Boyfriend Is Cheating On You With

    Everyone’s telling you that you’re a bitch- and you are. But you’re also an idiot. Why? Because you’re still losing. Yeah, this guy may tell you that you give better head, but guess what? He’s a lying, cheating scumbag! For all you know, he may be telling her that she’s the queen of blowjobs! Men don’t cheat because there’s something wrong with the girlfriend; they cheat because of their own insecurities. What happens when you catch feelings for him? He’ll either a) go back to his girlfriend, leaving you broken hearted, or b) leave her for you. That may sound good, but what happens when, in a year for now, you find out that he’s cheating on you? This situation has happened countless, countless times, to girls everywhere, and it’s not pretty. You say you’re good enough to never be with a guy who would cheat on you? I argue that you’re not good enough. How bout you step up, start being a real woman, and cut this scumbag out of your life. Cause guess what hon- he still cuddles with her every night and tells her he loves her. You’re not winning anything.

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  • emmybearxxx 10 years ago on Why Romantic Guys Are Actually The WORST

    I disagree with this whole article. The only reason kind gestures freak you out is because they’re SO uncommon in this hookup culture. A guy texting us at 3am to come over is considered normal. A guy texting you on Wednesday to grab drinks on Friday is considered a blessing from heaven. I mean, COME ON! When did our standards get so low? Why can’t the bouquet of roses be considered the norm?? How come the only guy we get flowers from is the guy we’ve been dating for three months? Flowers shouldn’t have to mean “I love you”- they should be a first date token, maybe even a requirement. Our standards have gotten ridiculously low, to the point that a guy simply being polite and showing you that you’re a cool girl is considered “so creepy.” Come on. I am so over this bro, hookup culture.

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