GetAGripPlz (Little)

Member Since 11/06/2014

From Tennessee

  • GetAGripPlz 10 years ago on Men In Masks Are Terrorizing The U. Kansas Campus, Telling Students To Drop Greek Life Or They Will Be "Dealt With Accordingly"

    Frat Bull,
    Thanks for trying to understand my (and many’s) point of view.
    I just want to point out one last thing. The idea of due process is a noble one that, if operating in an utopian, equal society, would most likely truly exercise justice. Yet the problem begins even before any judicial processes begin; for survivors of sexual assault, the process of bringing an alleged assault to the attention of authorities can be very difficult and painful (often having to relay the assault in great detail, essentially reliving the event to explain it to strangers). This is not to mention how the authorities may react in turn, or the reactions of victims’ peers. Take the comments under this article for example- telling a victim of sexual assault that his or her experience is mere “hysteria”, that asking for justice is “liberal bullshit” (Rhett_Butt-ler), and essentially blaming them for events like the “masked men” scenario can be extremely harmful and alienate them from searching for help (and justice), and further alienate them from a community they thought they could count on.
    And for this reason, many sexual assault victims never come forward, and alleged perpetrators may go on to commit more crimes. This system cannot be fully accommodating partly because it is socially and structurally flawed, and because many societal attitudes are dis-compassionate as well.
    There are many documented cases of victims coming forward to their Universities or authorities to address an assault only to be brushed off by the authorities or ostracized by peers (current & notable cases include those at Columbia University with survivor Emma Sulcowicz, and an anonymous case at Amherst College- two schools thought to be drenched in “liberal bullshit”.)
    Summed up- it can be really painful and difficult, often impossible, to get justice going.
    Thanks for reading.

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  • GetAGripPlz 10 years ago on Men In Masks Are Terrorizing The U. Kansas Campus, Telling Students To Drop Greek Life Or They Will Be "Dealt With Accordingly"

    Frat Bull,
    I understand your argument for the concept of the University attempting to prevent widespread anger/ action, because obviously no institution wants to deal with that.
    But let’s look at what this anger is about- what you call “sexual assault hysteria.” I assume that you’re privileged enough to have never been sexually assaulted, because if you were (just try to imagine the violation, fear, shame, physical pain, rage, and dehumanization of it for just one second ) you would absolutely want immediate action. And yes, it should be due process, but when your community (University, police, whatever) does not help to protect you or bring about the process of justice (which they absolutely should facilitate)… can you imagine that helplessness? I’d encourage you to look at the statistics, and consider how many women and men experience this hopelessness. Fine if you don’t identify as a feminist. This isn’t just a feminist issue. This is a HUMAN issue.
    So when you talk about the University “protecting” its student body from “sexual assault hysteria” (which culminated in two costumed men talking shit), please try to consider the many many people helplessly yearning for some sort of protection against the actual assaults. This is really important. I hope you read and try to understand.

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  • GetAGripPlz 10 years ago on Men In Masks Are Terrorizing The U. Kansas Campus, Telling Students To Drop Greek Life Or They Will Be "Dealt With Accordingly"

    Warren, you know what’s a little more horrific than men in masks “terrorizing” a frat whose members are alleged rapists? The overwhelming likelihood of being raped at a university, and the shameful lack of retribution or even remorse shown by the University or the frat.
    Yes, it is appalling that the University did not issue thorough statements/ wasn’t covered by media regarding the alleged on-campus rapes. Nonetheless, you focus on how damn scary it is to have two guys in costume vaguely threaten frat boys. Two guys. A whole frat.
    Though threats, especially violent (these threats aren’t even explicitly violent at all) should never be encouraged, it is time for this obscene university rape culture to stop. It’d be great if you had even thrown in a sentence with that sentiment.

    This is shit coverage.

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