hairflipgirl (Big)

Member Since 12/31/2014

From Montana

  • hairflipgirl 9 years ago on Why Sorority Girls Everywhere Are Pissed About #LillyForTarget

    I’m wondering if they will be selling the sorority-specific prints at Target as well? That is the only thing I would feel particularly opposed to, because just like letters, I don’t feel that anybody and everybody should be able to buy those things. If you’re not in that sorority, don’t wear their print around just like you wouldn’t wear those letters. And who’s to say non-Greeks would even know what they are buying? I feel it would kind of takes away how special our house-specific prints are.

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  • hairflipgirl 9 years ago on 12 Times It's Acceptable To Date A Sister's Ex

    The point is your sisters owe you more respect in that area than I feel can be expected of a boy. If two people dated and break up, you’re right, the guy is off the hook because you’re no longer involved. But your sisters aren’t; sisters are supposed to be there for each other, not date your ex’s and expect for it to be okay or for you to just get over it. There’s a much stronger bond there and more is expected because of what sisters share, especially as opposed to boyfriends and girlfriends.

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  • hairflipgirl 9 years ago on 14 People Who Had A Worse 2014 Than You Did

    I hope you didn’t know this while writing this article, but just so you know now, use of the m-word to describe people with dwarfism, AKA Little People, is actually very derogatory for most, if not all, of those with the condition. I know a lot of people don’t know that, but I hope you change it in the article now that you are aware!

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  • hairflipgirl 9 years ago on A Final "Screw You" Letter To All My Ex-Boyfriends

    Good God, your self-proclaimed “Nice Guy” attitude is entitled, pathetic and exhausting. No better than the entitled-to-sex-and-everything attitude you claim the frat guys we date have. Good for you, geed, for finishing your degree. Greeks will finish it faster and with a better GPA. Do a little research on the stereotyping of our members before you get on TSM. In the meantime, your glamorization of your virgin wife who only wanted a family may be great for her and you, but it perpetuates stereotypes against women that we should wait around for our own Nice Guy to sweep us off our feet, marry, and impregnate us. I’m not gonna sit on my ass for him to show up; I’m gonna go ahead and get as drunk as I want while I’m in college, the guys I want until I find someone to marry, the education I want because I live in a country where I can, and the life I want because I’ll build it myself. All of which can and will be achieved by any woman with half the self-worth you clearly have (and I’ll spell it out for you in case you get confused – not a lot.) The real nice guys are the ones who are cool with being our friends without feeling victimized by the friend zone, and the ones who are cool if we wanna sleep with them and cool if we don’t.

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