hromstad (New Member)

Member Since 10/15/2014

From California

  • hromstad 10 years ago on ADPis Allegedly Beat The Ever-Living Shit Out Of Some Girl, Nationals Denies Allegations

    I’m incredibly disappointed with TSM and the publishing of this article. Being a sorority girl, I love reading these articles and seeing what other chapters across the United States are doing and all the positive influence Greek life has. However, this post does not exemplify that at all. This post was written with no actual facts or evidence and only based on “he-said she-saids. There is no actual police report information, so this article can be narrowed down to being as accurate as just a piece of gossip written by an anonymous author. The bias, motives, and sources of the writer are all unknown and all three of those things have the power to strongly skew the persons point of view within their writing. As sorority women, we’re supposed to empower each other and to support each other in whatever way possible. Total Sorority Move has always been a favorite of mine, but if it’s succumb to becoming nothing more than a petty high school website where people can freely post whatever gossip they’d like, regardless of the consequences, then it’s no longer worth reading. Again, truly disappointed.

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