InformedOpinions (Little)

Member Since 12/08/2015

From Arkansas

  • InformedOpinions 8 years ago on Understanding Congress's Vote To Defund Planned Parenthood

    That’s exactly what I’m saying-These girls who are going to PP can go to the other clinics that provide the exact same services and abide by confidentiality laws that are just as strict. A parent who doesn’t know their daughter is going to PP would not have any reason to know they are going to any other healthcare clinic either. In fact, it’s arguably less obvious to go to another clinic that doesn’t have “Planned Parenthood” plastered across the front. The resources are much greater at these clinics and much more accessible. Taking away funding from PP will only free up funding for these clinics that are already doing incredible things for healthcare.

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  • InformedOpinions 8 years ago on Understanding Congress's Vote To Defund Planned Parenthood

    Oh good grief. I just absolutely cannot stay silent about this. Actually no, PP was not founded by a bunch of people who wanted everyone to “bone with peace of mind.” It was founded by the infamous eugenicist Margaret Sanger who advocated for mandatory sterilization of “retards” and tried to force America into population control by limiting those deemed “unfit” from having children. She was basically evil and crazy.

    Also, the FDA reports that there are 8,735 licensed mammography facilities in America but Planned Parenthood operates none of them. And actually, The Charlotte Lozier Institute reported that there are 13,540 clinics providing whole-woman healthcare in the United States versus the 665 Planned Parenthood facilities. These centers serve all types of women, including those who are homeless, uninsured, and living in poverty. Sooo looks liked PP is outnumbered and out serviced there too.

    As for only 3% of their services being abortion-related? That’s still over 300,000 children dying every year when accounting to the volumes of babies they abort. That’s a lot of dead babies.

    Pro tip-dead baby jokes are a definite negative.

    But hey, what do I know? I’m just a chick with a bunch of facts.

    You still sure PP has a relevant place in women’s health? I can assure you, it does not.

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