JohnCandy (Little)

Member Since 08/06/2013

From Indiana

  • JohnCandy 11 years ago on Real Sorority Tale: Why Not To Let A Guy Call You "Crazy"

    Jeez that was painful to read. Your friend’s an idiot for not seeing what’s going on (easily deduced with a little bit of logic), and you’re crazy for trying and failing to use logic to defend your own position/defend your friend. Sorry darling, you contradicted your own thesis.

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  • JohnCandy 11 years ago on Bucknell's House Party Weekend Canceled

    Let people earn their own goddamn reputations by having a good time. If these kids don’t get to rage at some point in college, they are going to be just as lame and repressive as the people trying to come down on them. Oh wait, I guess that’s the point.

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