JohnnyPSK (G-Big)

JohnnyPSK (@MrJohnMay) is a contributing writer for Total Frat Move. He isn't afraid to admit that he loves a good pina colada.

Member Since 05/31/2012

From Michigan

  • JohnnyPSK 11 years ago on Global Wine Shortage Is Upon Us

    None of those new people would be able to drink though, so you would have to take into account all of the people who have reached the legal drinking age across the world during that time who would have been born in 1975 – 1991.

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  • JohnnyPSK 11 years ago on Supreme Court To Rule On Gay Marriage: Hearing Tomorrow

    I really wish this were the first comment chain on this column as opposed to “Shut the fuck up Hot Piece”. Also my two cents without responding to any of the other arguments:

    I’m not gay. I wouldn’t marry a man. Frankly the whole business of being gay is awkward and people get really angry about it, and I would just rather not have to deal with it. Although I have gay friends, I can’t empathize with them about their plight, I can only sympathize with them for actually having a plight to deal with, and this causes me to feel slightly disconnected from my gay friends much in the same way I feel somewhat disconnected from people in different socio-economic conditions, people of different races, and people with vastly different beliefs than myself in terms of religion on political viewpoints. So I choose to stay out of the whole ordeal.

    In this particular situation, however, I look to my father. Him and my mother have been married for over twenty-five years, they love each other enough to have spent over half of their lives together. They have raised three strong boys and have provided what my two younger brothers and I have needed to grow into the men that we are.

    One of the most important lessons my father ever taught me is that we are blessed to live in the country that we live in, and that every single human being that lives in this country is entitled to live freely and to pursue his or her own wants and desires.

    If two people wish to be married, be it because they love each other or because they want to gain the legal benefits of marriage, and they are committed to abide by everything marriage entails, then they should be allowed to marry.

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