JohnthanIsABrat (Little)

Member Since 11/12/2015

From Missouri

  • JohnthanIsABrat 8 years ago on I Am A White, Non-Racist, Non-Violent Mizzou Student And I Actively Oppose #ConcernedStudent1950

    I actually know Johnathan Butler I would not call him a stand up individual. He has led numerous women on around campus and flaunts his money yet he could not pay for healthcare through Obamacare. From my personal experience being around him he is a drunk and his motivations are questionable mainly to gain attention because he wants to be a black civil rights activists and constantly talks about it.

    He was wanting any event to pounce on because honestly he is a subpar human being.

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  • JohnthanIsABrat 8 years ago on I Am A White, Non-Racist, Non-Violent Mizzou Student And I Actively Oppose #ConcernedStudent1950

    Here is my take on it as a student at Mizzou. Everyone gets discriminated against!!!! I am an Asian American and I have been called names by black students but you know what I didn’t cry about it start a protest and cry about how oppressed I was. I lifted my head high and realized those people were sad individuals.

    The civil rights movement is over the individuals I have met who are participating in these protests are people who are drama filled. A poop swastika that is gross we should be more concerned with that persons sanity.

    I tried to play basketball with a bunch of black students and you know what they told me, “Can’t play chink boy yo too short” so I can cry oppression. Everybody gets discriminated against white, black, short, Asian, Hispanic, Samoan, Krispey Kream, fat, skinny, short, tall, nerd, jock, sorority girl, ect.

    I think Johnathan Butler needs to check his privilege his dad made millions of dollars?!?!?! Really and you are complaining about white privilege?!?! Dude get over it you are a little cry baby who did not get his way so you resorted to immature tactics like suicide. He is probably the biggest POSER of all time!

    I hear slavery, what about SLAVERY!!! You know what my grandfather was a Japanese American during WWII. He was put an internment camp not in 1865 but in 1944! Get over yourself you are not special and were not a slave as I was not in an interment camp. Things happen in history and thats the point its history be optimistic that tomorrow is going to be a better day and learn from the mistakes and realize there are bad people. Don’t cry about it move on and be a better person, because I guarantee every single individual who is taking part in this protest has discriminated against someone. I have discriminated against whites because I only date Asians….

    You really think if the Mizzou football was undefeated they would back this…no its because they are terrible this year. They should be working on getting better rather than wasting their time on this garbage.

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