JSmith0758 (New Member)

Member Since 05/06/2016

From Illinois

  • JSmith0758 8 years ago on You Don't Get To Have A Say In Your Friends' Relationships

    While I can agree with the author to some extent, I think this doesn’t acknowledge that every relationship is different. I know there are people that want to sabotage their friends relationships because they can’t see their friends be happy with a significant other while they remain single. However, other times your friends can see the inevitable shit storm that will hit from being with this person, even in relationships that don’t turn into abuse. Friends can recognize whether a person has had a positive change in their life or a negative one. They can see whether you are actually happy and being treated well, or whether you are just in a relationship because you are afraid of being alone or you are hoping that the person will change for you. At the end of the day, if you are reading this article and contemplating whether or not you should say something to a friend about their current relationship, think about it on a case-by-case basis. Are you just jealous of your friends new relationship? Is it something that is really not important, like if you think they are socially beneath your friend? Or is it something that you would want someone to tell you about? Also, if you do choose to say something, don’t nag them about it on a daily basis. If someone’s boyfriend/girlfriend is someone you honestly can’t hang around with (EX. they are a jerk to you) , you can say to your friend “I don’t want our friendship to end over this, but I can’t spend time with you if they are going to be there.” The author of this article states “You can’t ever fully know another person.” Who’s to say that you see something in your friend’s relationship that she/he doesn’t see themselves? I’m not saying that you have to open your mouth to every single flaw, but when it is honestly you looking out for your friend, you should be willing to tell them your opinion in a loving and caring manner.

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