LadyintheStr33t (Little)

Member Since 02/05/2014

From Alabama

  • LadyintheStr33t 10 years ago on There Are Some Things Only Blondes Will Understand

    “Being called a “dishwater blonde” just sounds awful. Uh yeah, that’s my natural hair color. Don’t remind me.” True! Not only does it sound awful–because it does–but some people want to put you in the brunette category. No, I am a blonde. Maybe not a Cameron Diaz or Gwyneth Paltrow blonde, but a blonde nonetheless. Don’t you include me into the majority; I’m part of a proud minority.

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  • LadyintheStr33t 10 years ago on Why Our Entire Generation Needs An Ass-Kicking, Pronto

    This is one of the best things I have read in a long time. I don’t know who you are personally, but I will say as an American or better yet, as a human being I am proud of you for being willing to write this and not afraid to share it. You could have kept the thought to yourself or even shared it with your parents or few close friends, but would that have made a difference? Absolutely not. That video and this article struck a match, and I hope the flame stays lit. Even as I write this from my laptop in comfortable chair, I hope that’s not all I do for the rest of my life. I hope I do something revolutionary today, tomorrow, and the day after that. I hope I offend someone because at least offending someone does something. It causes a reaction. It causes debates and decisions–debates that are not just confrontational but make people think and make people want to think for a better more positive outcome; decisions that are radical even if they are actions that seem “old school.” Decisions that get our nation out of the funk and help us return to what we once were–great!

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