LibertyorDeath15 (Big)

Member Since 03/23/2015

From Texas

  • LibertyorDeath15 9 years ago on Hoop Skirts Banned At UGA, Because Racism

    “As Greeks (and this country’s number one scapegoat), we can’t make decisions based on how we think society should be, we need to make decisions based on how things are…. If that means making it so they have nothing left to say about us in order to protect our community, then I say do it.”

    “Disagree. It’s not worth it… It’s best just to stop doing shit that people think is offensive.”

    I registered on this site to make one comment and that is about what a cowardly attitude this is. This cowardly attitude is not limited to hot piece, but sadly is the mark of our generation and the one right before our generation as well. Here is the thing, when people hate you, you cannot do anything to make them like you. People do not hate greek life because some people are racist. Guess what? There are some racist people everywhere in just about everything unfortunately.

    People, for the most part, hate greek life because they are jealous. That is all it comes down to really. I had as many GDI friends as greek friends in college. Most did not give a shit about greek life one way or the other. The only people that would walk up to me at bars or GDI parties and complain about me being greek were people that when I inquired further always had some story about they did not get a bid or their parents would not pay for it. They do not seem to get that everyone, including greeks, are not going to get in one particular fraternity/sorority, one club, one job, make one team, etc, etc at some point in their lives and dwelling on that and being jealous gets you nowhere. Because they are jealous and hate greek life, they will always be there using anything they can to tear down. How greeks act is not going to make one bit of dang difference to people that hate greeks. Giving in just emboldens them to fuck with greeks more.

    The correct response to people that hate you and want to fuck with you is not being cowardly, surrendering your freedoms or giving in. Imagine if the founding fathers, the texas revolutionaries, the early abolitionists (who were initially unpopular even in the north), the many europeans and americans who stood up to the axis powers in WW2, Ghandi, Martin Luther King… etc. etc. had this dang cowardly attitude. Now obviously, these dresses are nowhere near as important as the above things I just listed. However, the fact that so many men and women have this wuss attitude is scary. The “if an opinion or something is unpopular, the right response is to just go along with the crowd” attitude is exactly how small unpopular groups started getting oppressed. Like I said, this particular dress thing is not a big issue, but its scary to think what happens when enough people have the “I am afraid to stand up and be unpopular” attitude hot piece advocates when there a big issue does arise.

    Let’s stand up for ourselves as greeks and as free individuals and not let groups of jealous others intimidate us into being #generationcoward

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