LifeLibertyAndThePursuitOfBarefoot (Little)

Member Since 05/22/2015

From Kansas

  • LifeLibertyAndThePursuitOfBarefoot 9 years ago on Every Girl's Very Real Train Of Thought When She Can't Decide Whether To Stay In A Relationship

    Dear writer,

    I have no idea if you’ll read this comment, but god I hope you do. Reading this article broke my heart, because it’s like reading my own diary from freshman year. I did long distance with my high school boyfriend my entire freshman year and it’s my number one regret in college. I left that year without a single new boy’s number (not even one’s from class projects) because he was so controlling and jealous. Going out with my friends wasn’t fun because he also would give me the silent treatment and it made me feel so guilty. Everyone else had a blast, got close to our new pledge class, got involved on campus, met new guys, and I felt like I was in jail. Thankfully, I ended it that summer and both I and college have gotten 100x better and more fun. Being single gave me the opportunity to go out when I wanted to, make great guy friends, and I even did the no strings attached sex thing. Now, going into senior year I’m involved in things I never thought possible, have had multiple leadership roles, haven’t moved back home since that summer, and am dating an amazing guy who is just as driven as me, celebrates my accomplishments, encourages me to hang out with other guy friends, and always wants to make sure he isn’t bugging me when I’m out because he wants me to have fun (oh, also best sex I’ve ever had, just saying). I know how scary it is to think of your life without this guy, and it took me multiple tries to break up with my ex. But you will be SO much happier.

    So, in short: dump his ass.

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