“But then I found out he was a democrat, so I ended it.” TSM.
“But then I found out he was a democrat, so I ended it.” TSM.
Using “I’m a legacy” as your excuse for everything, even if it’s not applicable to the situation. TSM.
Yesterday’s dress with today’s shame all over it. TSM.
Inviting your slampiece over to hook up, but not before he gives you the notes for the class you skipped for brunch. TSM.
Going to the gym just to see your weekend hookup in action. TSM.
Guys calling dibs on you three months before formal. TSM.
Having been at the bars hours before they released the school’s decision to cancel classes. TSM.
Memorizing your credit card number way before you memorize any of your notes, because you online shop far more often than you study. TSM.