Are you serious? Did you read that before you posted it? Your entire point is that being in a sorority “comes with the stereotype” and that we need to get over it, right? Well then you won’t mind if I remind you that you’re the type of person who helps to create a stereotype.
“Let me point out to you that there are actually people who do not envy sorority life, who do more volunteer work and charity work than any sorority girl does and NONE of it is required, that talk to their professors get good grades and are involved in other organizations on campus”
That sounds like stereotyping if I’ve ever heard it. If you took a second look at Greek Life before branding us as stuck up, lazy and close-minded people, you would know that involvement in Greek Life tends to make people have higher GPAs instead of lower ones. You would know that we are a group of driven individuals who appreciate a sense of community. You would know that we’re often the leaders of other organizations on campus. You would know that we’re very committed to our philanthropies and don’t volunteer because we have to, but because we want to. (P.S. for someone who is apparently so passionate about volunteering, you should think about the amount of work Greek Life contributes. Required or not, you should respect what we’re doing in our communities, if you’re such the volunteer yourself).
But my favorite part of your entire post was the last little bit.
“Maybe try being intelligent, confident, and humble. and see where that gets you, and stop trying to put down others while trying to make yourself feel better.”
We feel great. It appears to be you that needs to put others down. I was really shocked that, for someone who is so committed to their studies, you violated the basic rules of crafting an argument. Here you’ve written this entire rant about how Greek life is so bad, and then you close with “stop trying to put others down while trying to make yourself feel better”? I mean, are you serious? In the preceding sentence, hell, the preceding paragraph, you basically called all of Greek Life stupid, shy and egotistic.You’re clearly the one that needs to feel better.
We know that Greek Life isn’t for everyone. You know it too, that’s why you’re a “GDI_and_proud”. But you need to accept that just because it IS for some people doesn’t make them any less of a person than you are.
Are you serious? Did you read that before you posted it? Your entire point is that being in a sorority “comes with the stereotype” and that we need to get over it, right? Well then you won’t mind if I remind you that you’re the type of person who helps to create a stereotype.
“Let me point out to you that there are actually people who do not envy sorority life, who do more volunteer work and charity work than any sorority girl does and NONE of it is required, that talk to their professors get good grades and are involved in other organizations on campus”
That sounds like stereotyping if I’ve ever heard it. If you took a second look at Greek Life before branding us as stuck up, lazy and close-minded people, you would know that involvement in Greek Life tends to make people have higher GPAs instead of lower ones. You would know that we are a group of driven individuals who appreciate a sense of community. You would know that we’re often the leaders of other organizations on campus. You would know that we’re very committed to our philanthropies and don’t volunteer because we have to, but because we want to. (P.S. for someone who is apparently so passionate about volunteering, you should think about the amount of work Greek Life contributes. Required or not, you should respect what we’re doing in our communities, if you’re such the volunteer yourself).
But my favorite part of your entire post was the last little bit.
“Maybe try being intelligent, confident, and humble. and see where that gets you, and stop trying to put down others while trying to make yourself feel better.”
We feel great. It appears to be you that needs to put others down. I was really shocked that, for someone who is so committed to their studies, you violated the basic rules of crafting an argument. Here you’ve written this entire rant about how Greek life is so bad, and then you close with “stop trying to put others down while trying to make yourself feel better”? I mean, are you serious? In the preceding sentence, hell, the preceding paragraph, you basically called all of Greek Life stupid, shy and egotistic.You’re clearly the one that needs to feel better.
We know that Greek Life isn’t for everyone. You know it too, that’s why you’re a “GDI_and_proud”. But you need to accept that just because it IS for some people doesn’t make them any less of a person than you are.