lperri1 (PNM)

Member Since 11/29/2014

From Ohio

  • lperri1 9 years ago on 17 Reasons You Probably Wouldn't Like Taylor Swift If She Wasn't Famous

    This is so hilariously wrong. For starters, no, she doesn’t go to “the club”. You’re making statements based off of something she doesn’t do, and you used the fact that you don’t know what you’re talking about as a point? Brilliant. 5) She’s protecting not only her artwork but the work of others less popular than her. She bought a home for her parents and sends $600+ gift packages to FANS and lets her best friend use her airplane whenever she wants and donates literally millions to charities so no, she’s not stingy or cheap. 6.) You’re “probably” a dumb whore because you’re blonde and have your tits out in your picture. Think it’s wrong of me to say that? Look at your own statements. 7) She’s not socially awkward at all. I’ve met her and she’s genuinely nice and funny. So she doesn’t care what she looks like in the spotlight and has fun dancing at award shows. That doesn’t make her socially awkward. 8) Just because she’s dated hot guys doesn’t mean they’re perfect for her. Have you ever had a hot boyfriend who ended up being psycho or an asshole? 9) That’s not in public, that gif is from a video of her with her cat IN HER OWN HOME. 11) Because Allie in the notebook wore sequin dresses and crop tops and leather pants and Louboutins. Again, SO ACCURATE GOOD JOB. 13) Yup she has younger friends, and she also has friends who are her own age, and who are much older. Once you get a real job you’ll make friends in your industry who are 10 years older and younger and you bond because you’re with them all the time and have the same interests. 14) “probably” like you know her? Again, you’re “probably” and idiot who spends her days writing useless articles using false information about people who are prettier, kinder, and more successful that you will ever be. 15) Right because someone who spends hours picking out gifts for fans, visiting sick kids in the hospital, donating millions to charities etc shares so many characteristics with Regina Georgia. 17) I don’t even know what’s wrong with that so…

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