marymalcolm (Big)

Member Since 09/30/2014

From Texas

  • marymalcolm 10 years ago on Is it Possible That There Is Something In Between Consensual Sex And Rape...And That It Happens To Almost Every Girl Out There?

    Reading through this made my stomach twist. First off, I’m so sorry you went through this. All of you. Anyone who has gone through this. Blanket I’m sorry here. Second, this was not a case of rape’ish’ behavior, this was rape. With that being said, I’m not saying all rape should be treated equally. This guy doesn’t deserve to spend the next ten years of his life locked away in prison. He doesn’t deserve being branded a sexual predator for life. He does deserve to know that what he did was wholly unacceptable. Consent is not always actually saying the word ‘no.’ If a girl is lying there, not moving, not making eye-contact, she’s telling him no. He treated sex with her as if she were a hole in the wall and that’s definitely not sex, that’s rape.

    What makes me so sad is that there’s a big chance he was never told how unacceptable and awful this was. So that means there is a big chance it will happen again. Maybe not between them, but definitely with someone else. You ask what should be done about something like this, it should be talked about. The guy needs to be told what happened wasn’t right. Other people need to be told this behavior isn’t right. Until we all decide that this is definitely not right, it will keep happening. What sucks is I think we’ve all decided it, but we might still be afraid to actually say the words. I’m so glad you spoke out on here because it started a dialogue, but the next step and probably the most important is that he HAS to be made aware of what consent is and what it isn’t. Rape is sex without consent. This WAS rape.

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