mellie119 (Big)

Member Since 07/17/2014

From California

  • mellie119 10 years ago on TSM Responds To "Women Against Feminism"

    Another also, NRAdude – in my mind, the phrase “equal rights” means that the respective rights given to men and women are equal in their capacity to give each group complete control over their own bodies. If men have the right to a vasectomy, women have the right to have their tubes tied. We all know this, and (hopefully) we all agree with this. We also know that certain exceptions exist – areas that only apply to one sex or the other. It follows, then, that in one of these areas, one sex may have a corresponding right that the other does not have – in the effort to give EQUAL AMOUNTS OF CONTROL to each sex. Men can’t have babies, and therefore cannot have the right to an abortion – women can have babies, and therefore should have that right, that amount of control over their own bodies. In the end, women may have more rights (if one is making a numbered list), but each sex would have the same amount of control. The number of rights does not matter. The degree of control does.

    Obviously everyone doesn’t agree, and you are entitled to your own opinion. I just hope this makes feminism a little clearer to you. God bless.

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