methtildeath (Big)

Member Since 06/25/2015

From Illinois

  • methtildeath 9 years ago on Kylie Jenner Stars In Tyga's New Music Video While He Raps About Having Underage Sex With Her

    Hahaha!! First I laughed like 20 min at this piece of art. I texted it to the gfs to add our own versus. I died for another 20 min. Literal tears. The sad thing is is this will probably be blowing up at clubs in a couple weeks. I’m convinced I want to be a rapper. Tyga had me at the first two lines. When’s the album coming out? Or is it just kardashian/jenner publicity bull shit?

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  • methtildeath 9 years ago on The "Sorority Stereotype" Is Total BS

    This is a good article. Basically people need to stop being judgmental and be real caring sisters to one another; it’s 2015. I was involved in Greek life in a metropolitan area and I’m grateful and better for the ‘atypical’ experience. I bonded with an extremely diverse group of women. We also experienced hardships together, such as one sister experiencing a death in the family, another sister having an overdose, and another sister having to go to rehab. These type of occurrences happen everywhere all the time. And to people who judge my sisters or my chapter, I can honestly say I leave it up to God now. Dealing with it all made everyone more vulnerable and closer with one another, more real.
    Also, many of these ladies commuted, worked, we’re independent, and had completely different back rounds than myself. But everyone was coming together and rushing for trusting, real, happy, codependent, non judgmental, lifelong friendships.

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  • methtildeath 9 years ago on I Regret Being A "Good Girl" In College, And So Will You

    Hit up TomorrowWorld or Edc Vegas and take risks out there. You’ll go to the moon rage. But I have to agree with the consensus of replies graduating, grades, and no consequences > getting trashed on bottom of the barrel alcohol, being around rapey disrespectful college boys, and making stupid decisions plus paying consequences.

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  • methtildeath 9 years ago on My Boyfriend Is Poor

    In greek life or college life alone, I seldom met people financially secure so unless you’re IVY league or something, I have no idea what you’re talking about. Also there is always someone more wealthier than you and being financially dependent can be a hindrance. I know multiple kids of CEOs who have yet to do anything but work part time and go back to rehab. I’ve been to an expensive boarding schools and out of state for college. My parents have paid for it all. When I needed an extra 300 (I’d shamelessly say for the bars), money was wired. Ultimately, that shit has been a huge hindrance and awful habbit and bailouts were all I knew. And I’m not saying dont own Prada or buy tickets to Mexico. But I think there is something to working hard for your own money and buying what you want or need yourself. I see financially independent as what age you grow up and start having to deal with things alone. I don’t think wealthy people are bad and poor good, there are assholes across all incomes. There is just something to taking responsibility struggling and controlling your life.

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