Mich1997 (PNM)

Member Since 07/05/2016

From California

  • Mich1997 8 years ago on Is it Possible That There Is Something In Between Consensual Sex And Rape...And That It Happens To Almost Every Girl Out There?

    The whole day today I was looking for articles to figure out what happened to me last night. I got drunk with a boy who I use to date he cheated on me so I broke it of. As I seen him I seen he was giving me attention which I liked so being drunk I kept being around him so he can give it to me. As we laid in my room I wanted to talk about what happened but he just out of no where started touching me I kept saying “no I don’t want to do this its wrong” but he kept going because he was drunk. Part of me wanted to do it but another part of me felt violated. As we were doing it I kept thinking in my head I told him no so why were we having sex. I was drunk so I probably ended up giving in. In the morning I woke up with my hands moving as I was pushing someone off saying no. it felt wrong but not to the point I felt raped because in a way wasn’t I asking for it. I don’t regret it but I just don’t know how to feel about the situation. Again thank you for writing this article

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