mirrmaiid (Big)

Member Since 09/14/2015

From Kentucky

  • mirrmaiid 9 years ago on Guess What? "Pulling Out" Works Just As Well As Condoms Because Everyone Lied To Us

    Honestly, safe sex is one of the only things I get heated about, because it’s important for people to know how to protect themselves. Having good timing is in no way an effective way to prevent pregnancy, especicially when compared to the statistics of using a condom. And precum can kind of just leak out not always to the mans knowledge and if it any happens to leak out during sex- boom, there goes your “plan” without you even knowing it.

    I’m pretty sure if you told your gyno that your birth control plan was the pull-out method, they would either be very concerned or laugh.

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  • mirrmaiid 9 years ago on Guess What? "Pulling Out" Works Just As Well As Condoms Because Everyone Lied To Us

    TAKE CHARGE OF YOUR SEXUALITY BY PROTECTING YOURSELF. This is the biggest piece of crap article I’ve ever read. This does not address STDs which are INCREDIBLY common in today’s world, which the “pull out” or “to hell with it” method does not protect you from. Pre- ejaculation or leakage before ejaculation is a thing as well which STILL CONTAIN SPERM. If it doesn’t feel good with a condom, the problem probably isn’t the condom. There is actually no scientific proof in this article, it’s just saying that tracking ovulation cycles have helped some. Well, congratulations, you know how to use an app. If you want to avoid a conversation about condoms or putting on a condom because “it’s awkward” or “ruins the mood” then YOU AREN’T MATURE ENOUGH FOR SEX SORRY IM NOT SORRY

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