mitravinda (Big)

Member Since 07/19/2014

From Colorado

  • mitravinda 10 years ago on TSM Responds To "Women Against Feminism"

    There is nothing wrong with patriarchal standards if you even believe in them. you don’t even follow the established order since humans existed on this planet. there you are wearing man pants that were never meant for you. Denim was invented for men, you own a vehicle that is not your right and you have a bank account? Why cant you just let men be men and trust them to take care of you. A good man will take care of you. you do not need an education, your brain is physically smaller anyway. Your husband may give you permission to work a service job but its your responsibility to give him your paycheck. So why do you NOT follow the patriarchal standards? You need to walk on the inside of the sidewalk, the man walks on the outside for a reason but you do not even let men be men. you want your cake and eat it to. If you can tell me right now that you do not wear man pants, you do not have a bank account, you do not have any property value in your name, you do not have a man haircut so you can look like a man, tell me your hair is longer than your shoulders, tell me you believe in the patriarchal standards. and who said you could have a drivers license? you should know by now women are not very good drivers. Tell me you follow the patriarchal standards designed for you since the beginning of time then I might believe you and listen.

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  • mitravinda 10 years ago on TSM Responds To "Women Against Feminism"

    if this ideology is to be followed its a choice and I can respect those who do so with knowledge. I will not tolerate hypocrites from any ideology Be “true” to your calling and not act like a poser. its because of feminism women are even allowed higher education, for those who are “true” to their calling being women against feminism drop out of college now you cannot enjoy the favors the women of the past fought for. do research and know women were not allowed admittance to universities, go back in history, our scholars in history forbid this of women, the womans brain is smaller than a mans this is a scientific fact because the cranium is smaller in size therefore the brain is not large enough to comprehend complex ideas. Be “true” to your calling and go back in time and follow the heroes, those women who believed what a woman’s place was read your grandmother high school year book. If you are “true” to your calling I hope you do not own an automobile that is not your right, you have no right to own any property and sign all your loans over to your father or husband. Many women want to live this way and its what makes them happy. If you are “true” to your calling I hope you do not drive an automobile that is not proper behavior for a submissive woman, follow your role and do not be a hypocrite, if you are “true” to your calling do not vote, heck women were not even allowed to vote back when the Greeks first created democracy. It was the father or husband who casted his vote on behalf of his female relatives. If you are “true” to your calling you better not be wearing any man pants you are not a man. denim was invented for men, not women, you better burn all your denim now. like back in the day feminist burned their bra’s well if you are “true” to your path burn you jeans otherwise you are a poser. you are meant to wear dresses. all through history submissive woman wore dresses. and that photo above of that woman showing her tits… oh no… you are asking for trouble girl it will be your fault when a man looks at them. get raped for showing your tits and you asked for it. right there I can have no respect for you people. do the right thing and be “true” to your cause and I will listen to you but as long as you are playing this game of having your cake and eating it to you are no better. I do know women who are “true” yes, I have met women, unlike these girls who follow this way of life and I respect them, most are religious types and I respect their religion because they are not posers and they believe this and walk the talk. Several are Mennonites, A few Evangelicals, A couple of Hare Krsna’s I respect them more because they believe in what they are talking about and know the “true” meaning of knowing their place in the world. They believe it is the nature of woman, the reason women were created to be servants of man. So you better quit your jobs or take employment with your father or husbands permission that belongs to a woman. You can be a nurse, beautician, secretary, nanny, daycare worker, these are glorious jobs for a woman because they reinforce the support service women were born to serve. You can also be a waitress that is a good job for a woman as well. If you are “true” to your believe you will close your bank account now. The man is the head of household and a good man will never misuse or abuse his authority over your EVER. a good man will not do this and I do know many good men, like the husbands of my religious friends who are “true” to the ideology. Your father or husband is responsible to take your paycheck and will give you an allowance of what you deserve. You sign over your paychecks if you don’t then you are acting like a feminist. poser. hypocrite do it now for your own good. Don’t be showing me your tits, wear man pants, own a car or even drive a car, Don’t you attend college your brain is smaller, your body as a whole is smaller, you can never do or be what a man is meant to be. Quit acting like a man and act like a woman. Do it for your own good. otherwise you are a joke contradicting yourself enjoying all the rewards of the feminists have your cake and eat it too. and who said you could wear that make up? Did your husband give you the money to go and buy that make up? For him, your husband you can make yourself beautiful but how dare you go in public like that and agitate other men??? and who said you could walk on the outside of the sidewalk? You better get your ideology straight and be “true”. Otherwise you are liars calling yourself women against feminism and have the audacity to show your tits on social media. you make me sick.

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  • mitravinda 10 years ago on TSM Responds To "Women Against Feminism"

    in the military its almost average 10% are female 90% are male, fluctuates between branches. the military occupation has nothing to do with who goes out on combat patrols. Please lets leave Vietnam in the last century. in these current wars females are attached to combat units. Does the name “Jessica Lynch” ring a bell to you? how did she even get captured in the first place? she was on a combat mission. Take a tour of Walter Reed Medical Center and what will you find? 10% of the severely wounded are female, 10% of all burn victims are female and the did not get burned by a hotplate in the chow hall. 10% of all the amputees are female. these females did not loose their limbs by tripping over an extension cord at the Aide station, their limbs were blasted off by IEDs. In this century women are fighters. The marines went as far as creating the Lioness program. Two of my sisters were killed in Afghanistan and my squad leader almost didn’t make it out. Another sister had her face burned and lost both her vision and hearing from the blast. Whatever occupation one is trained in does not matter, we all wear green. we are soldiers first. So if your a woman and the recruiter says take this job you wont see combat that recruiter is lying to you, you are going out on a mission, better gear up cause your rolling outside the wire.

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  • mitravinda 10 years ago on TSM Responds To "Women Against Feminism"

    Nutella- this is an old wives tale. no a female pow is no different than a male pow. our men pow are raped repeatedly and a man’s spirit can be broken into anything the enemy wants. rape is not about sexual desire, its about abuse of power. a man can be demoralized and tortured into demoralization and enslaved into horrors any woman would not want to know. any human in captivity is at risk, don’t think the enemy cares more about the dignity of our men cause they don’t. If you personally know a man who has been a pow for more than a few days and he trusts you enough to talk to you, chances are he will not talk to you, but if he did he will tell you he was raped in more ways then one, anything up the rectum will do the trick, the enemy does not care.

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  • mitravinda 10 years ago on TSM Responds To "Women Against Feminism"

    Hell YEA!! knock the cry baby crap out of every female!! all 5 foot 100 pounds made me a woman, the best thing I did in life was enlist in our United States Army. Sadly however, the way society has raised our young 90% of females would be crying the second day of basic combat training. learn some nerves of steel do every female good. and for all the princesses out there.. all 5 foot 100 pounds of me celebrated my 40th birthday in basic training, hows that for an old crone. bet half you 18 year olds can’t even knock out 10 push ups I could do 55 in 2 minutes. Ask your mom to try 55 pushups in 2 minutes. LOL

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  • mitravinda 10 years ago on TSM Responds To "Women Against Feminism"

    All these women against feminism, answer me one question.. did you go to college? I hope you are not enjoying any feminist favors cause you know if you went to college you are wrong. if you went to college and at least graduated then you will know Hypatia and the Early Christian men thought Hypatia was a witch because she had a brain. You know what they did to women like Hypatia? They skinned her alive is one account, another was she was stoned to death. I hope you are not practicing witchcraft by being educated women. Only feminist women who value their brain equal to men are allowed to be educated. A few generations ago the only jobs allowed was secretary, beautician or nurse. only a nurse required some education past high school but only until you married and with your husbands permission could you work. So all the women against feminism you better walk your talk and drop out of college now before you look like Hypatia. You would never want to be mistaken for a feminist now would you? you would not want to be stoned or skinned to death if you had a brain.

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